An Ordinance to provide for the registration and discipline of land surveyors engaged in land boundary surveys, for the control of the standards of land boundary surveys, for the establishment of land boundary records and for related matters.


Section 3: Land Survey Authority


The Director of Lands shall be the Land Survey Authority


Section 4: Functions of the Authority


The functions of the Authority are-

(a) to maintain land boundary records;

(b) to advise the Secretary regarding alleged commission of disciplinary offences by authorized land surveyors; and

(c) such other functions as are imposed or conferred on him by or under this Ordinance or any otherenactment.


Section 12:Qualifications for registration


The Committee shall not register a person as an authorized land surveyor unless it is satisfied that-

(a) he-

(i) is, under the constitution of the Institute, a corporate member of the Institute (under the LandSurveying Division); or

(ii) is a member of a land surveying institute, association or organization the membership of which isrecognized by the Committee as being of a standard not lower than that of the corporatemembership of the Institute (under the Land Surveying Division) and he has satisfied theCommittee as to his competency by passing a professional examination recognized by theCommittee;

(b) he has, after he has obtained the membership described in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii) and before the date ofhis application for registration, had 1 year land boundary survey experience in Hong Kong acceptableto the Committee;

(c) there is no order of a Disciplinary Board made under section 25(1) (a) or (b) against him which is stillin force; and

(d) he is otherwise a fit and proper person to be registered.


Section28: Responsibilities of an authorized land surveyor


(1) An authorized land surveyor shall ensure that every land boundary survey or any part thereof undertaken byhim is carried out, whether by himself or by other persons under his supervision or direction, in accordance with therequirements of any codes of practice approved under this Ordinance.

(2) An authorized land surveyor shall ensure that any field note, survey record plan or land boundary planprepared by him or by other persons under his supervision or direction complies with the requirements of any codes ofpractice approved under this Ordinance, whether the land boundary survey from which such note or plan is producedis carried out-

(a) by him personally;

(b) by other persons under his supervision or direction; or

(c) partly by or under the supervision or direction of another authorized land surveyor.

(3) An authorized land surveyor shall sign and certify in the specified form all field notes, survey record plansand land boundary plans prepared by him or by other persons under his supervision or direction.

(4) An authorized land surveyor shall be personally responsible for the accuracy and completeness of every land boundary plan signed and certified by him and produced from a land boundary survey carried out by him personally or by other persons under his supervision or direction, or partly by or under the supervision or direction of another authorized land surveyor, and he shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of any inaccuracy or incompleteness of any land boundary plan so signed and certified.